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House Conservatives Vote Down Defense Bill Over Immigration Language


Earlier this week, conservatives in the House of Representatives successfully defeated a defense bill because of provisions it would have provided young immigrants. The bill would have helped those without permanent legal status in the United States enlist for military service.

According to The Associated Press, the bill was controversial even among Republicans. Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama stated: "This Congress should support and represent Americans by voting to stop military service opportunities from being taken from struggling American families in order to give them to illegal aliens."

However, other conservatives were upset that the immigration provisions divided their party's vote. Representative Carlos Curbelo from Florida told the press: "This is a mistake... I assure you that the overwhelming majority of Americans are for allowing young people who were raised in this country, who love this country and want to serve it, to have that opportunity."

For those who opposed the bill, the immigration language was seen as further support for President Obama's deportation deferment programs from 2014. House Judiciary Chairman Bobo Goodlatte told reporters: "The House should not take action to legitimize the president's unconstitutional overreach."

A Looming Debate in 2016

Many are looking at the bill's defeat as setting the stage for a larger immigration debate in the 2016 elections. Democrats, who voted against the bill for budgetary reasons, were quick to take note of the Republican's adversarial stance on immigration reform.

Following the bill's vote, Presidential Candidate Hilary Rodham Clinton released a statement through her political director: "If these courageous young men and women want to serve, they should be honored and celebrated, not discriminated against."

If you currently live in Greater Chicago and are dealing with an immigration matter, then we encourage you to contact us at Milla & Associates, LLC. Our dedicated and award-winning Chicago immigration lawyers are dedicated to helping individuals and families resolve their immigration law difficulties and achieve and maintain legal status here in the United States.

Receiving help is possible. Contact us today for a free consultation.
